Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants has published extensively on a variety of topics related to disabilities.

Here is a sampling of our titles:

Aging & Life Expectancy with Disability.

Aging & Life Expectancy with Disability.

Aging & Life Expectancy with Disability

An interesting and valuable resource for professionals working with the older client, or developing cases, including life care plans, for the older client.  The booklet contains relevant information with respect to resources and guidelines on how to approach various issues involving aging and disability.  References to many of the topics will prove to be valuable to the practitioner. (Forman, Carruthers & Londner, 2006; 52 pp.)

B51, $10.00, ISBN 978-1-4243-0713-4

Order from Elliott and Fitzpatrick

Glossary of Human Services Terminology.

Glossary of Human Services Terminology.

Glossary of Human Services Terminology

This resource provides a wealth of convenient information on hundreds of terms and concepts. In writing reports, including affidavits, depositions, and trial preparations, this booklet will provides access to standard definitions of language used in the profession. Categories of terms include assistive technology, brain injury, cardiac, diagnostic tests, disability, equipment, health and medical services, legal terms, leisure, recreation and exercise equipment, managed care, medical terms, prescription medications, and transportation. (Forman, Londner & Martino, 2007, 216 pp.)

B54, $25.00, ISBN 978-1-4243-0723-1

Order from Elliott and Fitzpatrick

Being a Guardian is a Big Responsibility.

Being a Guardian is a Big Responsibility.

Being a Guardian is a Big Responsibility

Topics covered include: what is guardianship; who may be a guardian; how is guardianship established; how to become a guardian; types of guardianships; responsibilities of a guardian; guardianship plans; annual reports; alternatives to guardianship; legal documents and terms and more. (Forman and Carruthers 1990)

Additional Publications

  • “Don’t Forget the Family: Family Systems Approach”, NARPPS The Rehabilitation Professional.
  • “What is Aging and How is it Different with a Disability?” Professional Case Management, September/October 2009 Issue; co-authored by: Lawrence S. Forman, M.Ed., J.D.; Darlene M. Carruthers, M.Ed.; and Ronnie B. Londner, M.Ed.
  • Stiphany, S. (2007). A Different Kind of Workers’ Compensation. Professional Case Management, 12(1), 59-61.

For more information about our publications, or to submit an idea for a new publication please contact us.